Hardware Technologies
We specialize in developing software and systems for
the complete spectrum of the pharmacy business.

Enhance your Pharmacy Operation
Our pharmacy software can utilize various hardware technologies and devices, below are just some of the hardware that can be installed to enhance your pharmacy operation.

You can install our system on any Windows platform, from a desktop to a high performance dedicated industrial rack server.

Encrypted Virtual Private Network allows you to securely connect to your pharmacy from anywhere in the world.

The right high yield laser printer for your business is very important. We stock industrial high speed, high yield laser printers installed and proven at over 70% of the nations pharmacies.

Retrieve, Verify, Pickup Medications. Scan Inventory and many other time-saving functions are available with a barcode scanner.
A Barcode Scanner can effectively reduce errors and time by allowing the user the ability to scan the actual medication being dispensed or looked up, scan prescriptions against the medication for drug verification (This handheld portable unit will scan the NDC number bar code on the patient label or receipt and match it to the scanned NDC number bar code on the stock drug container from which the prescription is being filled)., scan Rx being picked up and scan Inventory received. Because it is portable, the scanner can be carried and used at any location during the prescription filling and checking process.
The Abacus Inventory Management system allows us to quickly and easily take a physical inventory every month during the day without effecting our day-to-day process!
Our Pharmacy software uses two powerful inventory control features and we managed to make it even more effortless by utilizing the latest portable technology to perform physical inventory and cycle counting easy and fast.
We offer Real-time inventory control systems that use wireless, mobile terminals or Data Capture devices to record and verify inventory. In a wireless scanner setting, the inventory scanned is securely transmitted to the central pharmacy database where it is instantly analyzed and compared to the previous inventory and the correct physical inventory is recorded, an exception audit log is generated for shortages or shrinkages.
Consider the benefits of having an inventory solution where, with the use of barcode scanners, your inventory tracking approaches 100% accuracy. Experience shows that the time and money saved by having an accurate inventory system will dramatically affect your bottom line.
Take a physical inventory or cycle counting in three steps
- Scan the item.
- Enter the package (if more than one) or partial quantity.
- Repeat step 1 and 2 until complete.
Abacus provides an efficient and cost-effective method for taking physical inventory counts using mobile computers, including PDAs and PDTs, to scan barcodes and collect information. InventoryRx ™ Inventory tracks inventory to a location, tracks Containers with lots and expiration dates and automates inventory reconciliation. InventoryRx ™ software contains user-customizable fields, which allow the user to specify the naming of each field to fit the terminology of their business, to generate user-customized reports, and to log into history the receipt and movement of inventory.
Valuable Advantages:
Accurate inventory control can increase your cash flow and profit while reducing the amount of inventory you need to carry in your pharmacy. Password protected features and reporting capabilities can help minimize theft and give you accurate inventory counts. Abacus can support almost all major wholesalers and can provide cost comparisons between them.
The inventory control feature allows you to set up automatic reorder stocking levels, generate purchase orders and send them electronically to a wholesaler. When an incoming order is processed it updates quantity-on-hand and the actual acquisition costs. Your financial reports will accurately reflect your true costs, which can be seen on each prescription as you fill it.
Our “active” flag allows you to select which drug items will be displayed on a drug look-up. Only those drugs marked as “active” will come up. When an ordered drug is received in inventory it will automatically be logged as an active drug. The program will also alert you if the drug you are trying to refill is not in stock so you may select an alternative drug.
During the filling of any prescription, a warning message will appear if the Quantity-On-Hand level is too low to fill the prescription, allowing you to order the item at that time without leaving the fill screen.
Manage your deliveries electronically via a PDA with or without a built-in scanner totally integrated with your Abacus Pharmacy system.
The DeliveryRx™ system is the perfect solution for pharmacies that collect signatures in drive-thru windows, deliver medication to their patients or for servicing nursing facilities. Compatible with iPhone and iPad’s.
The system is designed to track prescription deliveries (even alternate addresses for patients wanting their prescriptions delivered to other locations), verify the Rx being delivered and to who, track the driver, track delivery with Prof-of-Delivery signatures or delivery notes. It can assist with payment collection (ensure complete delivery as well as payment accuracy). The Mobile Device can either instantly update all the Pharmacy data (patient signatures POD, payment amounts, debits charges, notes and delivery status) via the internet or the data is uploaded to the Pharmacy software when the driver returns.
You can track every prescription that goes out of your pharmacy!
- Track Rx Delivery
- Track Driver
- Delivery tote verification
- Delivery Route
- Direction Map
- Payment collection
- Proof-of-Delivery signature
The DeliveryRx™ system provides two ways to track deliveries:
1. In manual mode, delivery tickets containing Patient, address and Rx are scanned and assigned to a delivery person indicating the prescriptions are on route, when the driver returns the delivery ticket is again scan with a status indicating received, refused or other status. The system can also provide a delivery list with directions and the delivery ticket can be scanned to electronically capture the patient signature.
2. In computerized mode, The DeliveryRx™ Computerized Delivery Tracking Module is the perfect solution for pharmacies that collect signatures in drive-thru windows, deliver medication to their patients, out patient services or that provide Rx delivery service to nursing homes, long term care facilities and other institutional facilities. In today’s competitive environment, a computerized delivery tracking system offers independent pharmacies an edge over the corporate chain pharmacies. Pharmacies can provide a personal service not offered by the large chains, while maintaining control and integrity of Rx deliveries.
The DeliveryRx™system is designed to track prescription deliveries to a specific address or multiple alternate addresses and locations. The system will verify the Rx being delivered, which includes patient verification, driver assigned to the delivery, amounts due at delivery, and provide proof-of-delivery signatures. The system will accommodate for physician or pharmacist patient notes upon delivery and electronic confirmation back to the pharmacy central system.
Using an iPhone or iPad’s
The manifest is downloaded into the device. This is then taken with the driver and used to “check off” each item when the order is delivered to the nursing home or patient. The device also allows you to check off items delivered and log an electronic signature from the receiving personnel.
How it works
The deliveries are digitally tracked utilizing an iPhone or iPad (Mobile Device). The process of tracking a delivery begins when the pharmacy system, uploads the delivery data onto the Mobile Device. This create a digital list of the manifest (packing list) on the Mobile Device. Each list is linked to a destination ID that represents a wing/section of a nursing home or a home address. One Mobile Device will contain lists for all destinations on a delivery route (and can handle multiple routes) and will accompany the product upon delivery.
When the delivery person arrives at the destination they will scan a unique barcode that has been posted at the location. This will put the device at the destination, the driver is already logged in as the employee handling the delivery. You now have where you are and who is handling the delivery. The next stage in the process is to scan all the unique Rx barcodes on the prescription labels. The Rx number plus the refill number act as the unique tracking identifier for the items being delivered. (think UPS tracking #) As each Rx label is scanned it will be checked off the list of prescriptions for this destination and a date/time stamped record will be created for each prescription. When all prescriptions are scanned the program will be ready for the next stage in the collection and check in process. This is collecting the amount owed (Cash, Check or Credit Card) capturing the signature of the recipient (Prof Of Delivery). The nurse or recipient will first give their printed name so if they sign an “X” on the Mobile Device the records will still show a first and last name of the person accepting the delivery. Then the recipient will be allowed to sign on a digital signature pad similar to a credit card touchpad. If an amount is due, it will be displayed for collection.
The system has now created digital records of all important elements of the delivery process. The delivery information can be sent instantly to the Pharmacy (via the internet) or the record can remain on the Mobile Device until the time it returns to the pharmacy and synchronizes with the computer system at the pharmacy.
Following are a few of the main features:
- R Streamlined tracking and delivery system.
- R Integration of scanners and credit card processing.
- R Ability to print manifests.
- R Numerous “check stations” offer redundancy style tracking, thus greatly reducing the possibility of lost or mis-delivered scripts.
- R Exception report offers at-a-glance view of discrepancies in the tracking process.
- R Ability to obtain and download electronic signatures.
- Can easily add additional delivery drivers into the system.
Scan your patient’s information accurately from their license. No more keying patient demographics, save time by just swiping their driver’s license.
Visual Pharmacy Plus™ is fully interfaced to read the information from driver’s licenses swiped. The software will transfer all current information directly from the patient’s drivers license into the patients file within Visual Pharmacy Plus™. This is an excellent addition to your pharmacy management system. This will eliminate input errors, reduce duplicate records and will virtually eliminate the re-keying of patient information.
Do you find that juggling the administrative requirements needed to capture, store and retrieve patients’ signatures, combined with keeping up with your daily responsibilities, leaves you less time for your patients?
Our electronic signature capture solution helps you capture, store and retrieve patients’ signatures on an high-tech signature pad, integrates with the Abacus pharmacy management system and supports PHI acknowledgement and patient pickup, including cash and third-party, offer to counsel, and safety cap information.
“provides signature information instantly for audits”
The Electronic Signature pad is a paperless system that electronically captures, stores, and retrieves signatures on demand, document pick-up logs, HIPAA privacy acknowledgements and Safety cap waiver virtually eliminating the need to store and manually retrieve thousands of signature logs, other paper documents and. provides signature information instantly for audits or inspections.
Signature Pad
- Enables the electronic collection of signatures for various events
- Saves and tracks signature image for prescription
- Creates a history of prescription pickup activity including date, time and counseling details
- Enhances patient privacy at point of pick up
- Minimizes effort and time involved in accessing information to address customer inquiries and third-party, or HIPAA audits
- Provides the ability to generate signature reports
It will track and document the following:
HIPAA Acknowledgement.
Patient Pick Up – including cash and third-party.
Offer to Counsel.
Safety Cap Waiver.
Other benefits:
Eliminates excessive paper documents and storage
Provides greater confidentiality at the out-window
Streamlines prescription audits
The fully automated pharmacy of the future is here today.
As pharmacies work to remain profitable in an increasingly competitive environment, automation of the entire dispensing process is becoming all the more common.
New systems and robotic equipment are the latest drivers of pharmacy efficiency. These new systems help manage operating costs over time as well as open new markets for the modern pharmacy.
It is indeed possible to increase dispensing volume while at the same time increasing safety, accuracy, and profitability.
The Abacus Pharmacy Software can communicate with and utilize various robotic technology and devices, including:
Parata Systems
Parata RDS, the industry’s leading pharmacy automation, offers a proven strategy for taking your dispensing operation to the next level: it automates 50-65 percent of total prescription volume at six to eight times the productivity of manual filling, and is 100 percent accurate for drug and dose.
PharmAssist – w/Workflow Innovation Associates
Pharmacist solutions are comprised of next-generation dispensing technology, award-winning industrial design, and advanced computing power. By incorporating unparalleled quality control and exceptionally versatile functionality, PharmASSIST solutions deliver a wide range of operational, cultural, and customer oriented benefits.
With the most extensive line of automated prescription filling systems on the market, you don’t have to settle for one-size-fits-all. ABTG provides affordable systems for all pharmacy sizes.
ScriptPro develops, provides and supports state-of-the-art, robotics-based management and workflow systems for pharmacies. ScriptPro is dedicated to helping pharmacies lower operating costs, reduce dispensing errors and maximize customer satisfaction.
BakerCell APS
Fully automated tablet/capsule counting systems. Counts up to 10 capsules/tablets per second. Instantly dispense prescriptions when interfaced with pharmacy system. Individual dispensing chutes virtually eliminate cross contamination. Cell capacity of 120 drams (440 cc) Optional SuperCells accommodate up to 10 times the capacity of standard cells – ideal for high volume medications.
McKesson AccuScript / Pharmacy 2000
Fill prescriptions quickly and accurately with an industry leading counting speed of up to 10 pills per second. Increase accuracy and reduce medication errors with bar-code technology. Small footprint with a modular layout allows the system to fit into any pharmacy regardless of space constraints. The scalable design enables the pharmacy to install additional cabinets as prescription volume grows. Customizable levels of security by procedure and user. Secure prescription retrieval with locked gates and drawers.
Kirby Lester/KL60
Pharmacy automation pioneer Kirby Lester offers a full lineup of dispensing systems including the world’s most compact robot and unique tabletop counting/verification systems for pharmacies processing 100 to 1,000 prescriptions per day.
Minimum Hardware Recommendation
The minimum hardware requirements for our Visual Pharmacy Plus software follows. Actual requirements and product performance may vary based on your system configuration. Networks can be configured as peer-to-peer, Windows Server or VPN.
Processor Intel© Dual‐Core Processor 2.0Ghz+
Operating System Microsoft© Windows 10 Pro, Windows 11 Pro
Memory 8GB+ of system memory
Hard Drive 800GB+ of available space
Rom Drive CDR/DVD Not Required
High-speed internet Required for claim processing and technical support
Printer Thermal, Laser or Impact
Backup system 500GB+ Onsite (Automatic Offsite recommended)