Integrated Tools
and Solutions
We specialize in developing software and systems for the complete spectrum of the pharmacy business. The Abacus Pharmacy software is a comprehensive pharmacy management solution that fully integrates your back-end pharmacy processes with your front-end business management.

Enhance your Pharmacy Operation
Below is a list of some of the solutions, we offer, that will provide the efficiency and cost savings you are looking for.
“The Abacus Inventory Management system allows us to quickly and easily take a physical inventory every month during the day without effecting our day-to-day process!”.

Our Pharmacy software uses two powerful inventory control features and we managed to make it even more effortless by utilizing the latest portable technology to perform physical inventory and cycle counting easy and fast.
We offer Real-time inventory control systems that use wireless, mobile terminals or Data Capture devices to record and verify inventory. In a wireless scanner setting, the inventory scanned is securely transmitted to the central pharmacy database where it is instantly analyzed and compared to the previous inventory and the correct physical inventory is recorded, an exception audit log is generated for shortages or shrinkages.
Consider the benefits of having an inventory solution where, with the use of barcode scanners, your inventory tracking approaches 100% accuracy. Experience shows that the time and money saved by having an accurate inventory system will dramatically affect your bottom line.
Take a physical inventory or cycle counting in three steps
- Scan the item.
- Enter the package (if more than one) or partial quantity.
- Repeat step 1 and 2 until complete.
Abacus provides an efficient and cost-effective method for taking physical inventory counts using mobile computers, including PDAs and PDTs, to scan barcodes and collect information. InventoryRx ™ Inventory tracks inventory to a location, tracks Containers with lots and expiration dates and automates inventory reconciliation. InventoryRx ™ software contains user-customizable fields, which allow the user to specify the naming of each field to fit the terminology of their business, to generate user-customized reports, and to log into history the receipt and movement of inventory.
Valuable Advantages:
Accurate inventory control can increase your cash flow and profit while reducing the amount of inventory you need to carry in your pharmacy. Password protected features and reporting capabilities can help minimize theft and give you accurate inventory counts. Abacus can support almost all major wholesalers and can provide cost comparisons between them.
The inventory control feature allows you to set up automatic reorder stocking levels, generate purchase orders and send them electronically to a wholesaler. When an incoming order is processed it updates quantity-on-hand and the actual acquisition costs. Your financial reports will accurately reflect your true costs, which can be seen on each prescription as you fill it.
Our “active” flag allows you to select which drug items will be displayed on a drug look-up. Only those drugs marked as “active” will come up. When an ordered drug is received in inventory it will automatically be logged as an active drug. The program will also alert you if the drug you are trying to refill is not in stock so you may select an alternative drug.
During the filling of any prescription, a warning message will appear if the Quantity-On-Hand level is too low to fill the prescription, allowing you to order the item at that time without leaving the fill screen.

A Barcode Scanner (1D or 2D) can effectively reduce errors and time by allowing the user the ability to scan the actual medication being dispensed or looked up, scan prescriptions against the medication for drug verification (This handheld portable unit will scan the NDC number bar code on the patient label or receipt and match it to the scanned GTIN or NDC number bar code on the stock drug container from which the prescription is being filled). Scan the GTIN or NDC of Rx being dispensed, picked up or Inventory received or traced. Because it is portable, the scanner can be carried and used at any location during the prescription filling and verification process.

Transition to a paperless environment. Scan, store, and retrieve any type of document (including: Prescriptions, CMN, Insurance card, Physician documentation, Worker Comp forms, etc ..) to eliminate the need for manual filing. The prescription, insurance card and signature is scanned and attached to the patient record. When patient information is retrieved, the images will automatically appear as verification of the patient’s prescription. In addition to helping to prevent dispensing errors, the module can help dramatically reduce the time and expense of an audit.
Scan your patient’s information accurately from their license. No more keying patient demographics, and save time by just swiping their driver’s license.
Visual Pharmacy Plus™ is fully interfaced to read the information from driver’s licenses swiped. The software will transfer all current information directly from the patient’s drivers license into the patients file within Visual Pharmacy Plus™. This is an excellent addition to your pharmacy management system. This will eliminate input errors, reduce duplicate records and will virtually eliminate the re-keying of patient information.
Abacus has partnered with SureScripts to integrate The Pharmacy Software with SureScripts E-Prescribing systems.
The Surescripts network is used every day by thousands of physicians, pharmacists and payers nationwide to exchange health information and prescribe without paper.
• Reduce Healthcare Costs
• Improve Efficiency
• Enhance Patient Safety
Abacus’s solution to help meet your ePrescribing needs and assist in strengthening prescriber relationships by providing electronic means of communicating the brand, generic and compound prescriptions to your pharmacy.
The E-Prescribing Module:
• Allows you to easily see new prescriptions from within Abacus Pharmacy Plus Software.
• Provide automatic population of new prescriptions, doctors, and patients ultimately saving time entering data.
• Enable you to electronically communicate with the doctor, ensuring the most accurate information is communicated to your patients.
• Request refills through the ePrescribing interface, eliminating a phone call to the doctor’s office.
• Give you the capability to see and process prescriptions received via ePrescribing.
eScript is a Prescriber-Pharmacist Interface enables pharmacists to accept new prescriptions and send and receive renewal requests, prior authorization and refill authorizations electronically. Can eMail, Fax, or electronically send refill requests or prior authorizations directly to a Prescriber from the pharmacy computer automatically.
Provides a real-time computer-to-computer link between pharmacies and physicians to exchange secure electronic transactions with physicians, including new prescriptions, refill requests, responses, and medication change requests. The result is a streamlined, more accurate flow of information between pharmacies and physicians.
The Pharmacy will be able to send refill authorization requests and receive responses and new prescriptions directly from the pharmacy software. You will be able to communicate with any physician office in the network, including SureScripts (TM) one of the fastest growing physician network in the nation.
Integrated with our Pharmacy Plus software is a professional compounding system designed for compound and specialty pharmacies. It will optimize the production of compound medication and IV by allowing you to create multiple compound templates, compound batches, worksheets, managing formulas, logs, and batch testing, managing chemicals, manage patients, link with wholesalers, bill third party processors, receive and send electronic prescriptions, report ASAP controlled substance, check for conflicts and interactions, manage your chemical inventory, calculating formula costs, comparing generic and brand-name drugs, and creating consistent labels with unique barcodes, material requirements planning and many other important items related to compounding! We are compliant with USP, NCPDP and FDA guidelines and recommendations for compounding, labeling and reporting for compounded products including.
Valuable Advantages:
Reduces time spent on prescription intake and processing due to faster prescription delivery and fewer call backs to physicians
Streamlines communications between pharmacist and physician
Reduces potential for medication dispensing errors due to illegible prescriptions
Improves customer service by reducing patient wait time in the pharmacy
Allows the pharmacist to devote more time to patient consultation
Easily integrate information within pharmacy system
Unlike faxes or paper prescriptions with eScriptPlus™, e-prescriptions go directly into your
computer. Renewal authorizations can be managed with a few keystrokes.

The fully automated pharmacy of the future is here today.
As pharmacies work to remain profitable in an increasingly competitive environment, automation of the entire dispensing process is becoming all the more common.
New systems and robotic equipment are the latest drivers of pharmacy efficiency. These new systems help manage operating costs over time as well as open new markets for the modern pharmacy.
It is indeed possible to increase dispensing volume while at the same time increasing safety, accuracy, and profitability.
The Abacus Pharmacy Software can communicate with and utilize various robotic technology and devices, including:
Parata Systems
Parata RDS, the industry’s leading pharmacy automation, offers a proven strategy for taking your dispensing operation to the next level: it automates 50-65 percent of total prescription volume at six to eight times the productivity of manual filling, and is 100 percent accurate for drug and dose.
PharmAssist – w/Workflow Innovation Associates
Pharmacist solutions are comprised of next-generation dispensing technology, award-winning industrial design, and advanced computing power. By incorporating unparalleled quality control and exceptionally versatile functionality, PharmASSIST solutions deliver a wide range of operational, cultural, and customer oriented benefits.
With the most extensive line of automated prescription filling systems on the market, you don’t have to settle for one-size-fits-all. ABTG provides affordable systems for all pharmacy sizes.
ScriptPro develops, provides and supports state-of-the-art, robotics-based management and workflow systems for pharmacies. ScriptPro is dedicated to helping pharmacies lower operating costs, reduce dispensing errors and maximize customer satisfaction.
BakerCell APS
Fully automated tablet/capsule counting systems. Counts up to 10 capsules/tablets per second. Instantly dispense prescriptions when interfaced with pharmacy system. Individual dispensing chutes virtually eliminate cross contamination. Cell capacity of 120 drams (440 cc) Optional SuperCells accommodate up to 10 times the capacity of standard cells – ideal for high volume medications.
McKesson AccuScript / Pharmacy 2000
Fill prescriptions quickly and accurately with an industry leading counting speed of up to 10 pills per second. Increase accuracy and reduce medication errors with bar-code technology. Small footprint with a modular layout allows the system to fit into any pharmacy regardless of space constraints. The scalable design enables the pharmacy to install additional cabinets as prescription volume grows. Customizable levels of security by procedure and user. Secure prescription retrieval with locked gates and drawers.
Kirby Lester/KL60
Pharmacy automation pioneer Kirby Lester offers a full lineup of dispensing systems including the world’s most compact robot and unique tabletop counting/verification systems for pharmacies processing 100 to 1,000 prescriptions per day.
Integrated with our Pharmacy Plus software is a professional compounding system designed for compound and specialty pharmacies. It will optimize the production of compound medication and IV by allowing you to create multiple compound templates, compound batches, worksheets, managing formulas, logs, and batch testing, managing chemicals, manage patients, link with wholesalers, bill third-party processors, receive and send electronic prescriptions, report ASAP controlled substance, check for conflicts and interactions, manage your chemical inventory, calculating formula costs, comparing generic and brand-name drugs, and creating consistent labels with unique barcodes, material requirements planning and many other important items related to compounding!
We are compliant with USP, NCPDP and FDA guidelines, and recommendations for compounding, labeling and reporting for compounded products including.
I.V. Processing
This software module creates and maintains an on-line database for a variety of I.V. solutions for home infusion centers, clinics and physicians’ offices. Orders may be categorized as piggy-back, syringe, LVP, TPN, epidural, chemotherapy and chemo syringe. Admixed and non-admixed solutions are supported.
- For non-TPN Orders, up to 8 additives may be entered. If less than 8 are needed, the extra fields may be used for additional information, instructions, etc.
- A separate TPN Order input screen lets you specify values for common additives and standard solutions (dextrose, amino acids and lipids). Four 30-character “free text” lines allow additional additives, solutions or instructions to be included.
- A starter list of frequent standard orders and comments, with mnemonics, is included to reduce keystrokes. You can enter new standards or modify existing ones as needed.
Your can fill orders for I.V. compounds by creating worksheets with every admixture ingredient, including the container. Create pricing mechanisms that are specific to I.V. and quickly fill orders for all associated ancillary supplies. Select different label formats for different therapies. All I.V. orders flow through to our standard bills, reports and forms.
IV Compounding Features
Create compound templates with customized ingredient
Create batch worksheet, print batch labels and compound Rx in an instant
Document or attach compound formula already on file
Documentation of compounding procedure for each compounded batch
Full or partial online compound billing to multiple processors
Track waste, dosage form, storage, prepared date, BUD, lot, professional fees
Track shipping cost and interface with Carrier
Manage Rx Status (On Hold, Not Filled, Transfer)
Integrated inventory control system (Manage inventory by lot number)
Automatically calculate ingredient cost
Ingredient Inventory and Bar coding technology for chemical verification
Each formula may have an unlimited number of chemicals and instructions
Chemical quantities are automatically calculated for every unique batch
Automatic chemical conflicts and interaction check and potential allergy assessment
Work Flow/Queue management
Text/ Email Rx Status Alerts
Compliance (controlled substance) reporting
Store patient test results in their personal profile, SOAP notes, consultation records, hormone evaluations, studies, lot testing, and more.
Cyclic filling for refill prescriptions of your choosing
User Security
Customized pricing schedules
Provides for Rx Validation
Chemical Price Update
Data Management, Analytics and Reporting
Tracking of formula usage by patient or physician
Track of Patient Medical History
Drug Recall Report (Scripts by Chemical Lot #)
Drugs/Formulas/Chemicals Reorder Report
Compliant with nationwide SureScripts network to receive/send electronic prescriptions
Print compound/IV labels
Integrated Accounts Receivable / Optional QuickBooks interface
Many Integrations available
Provides signature information instantly for audits
Do you find that juggling the administrative requirements needed to capture, store and retrieve patients’ signatures, combined with keeping up with your daily responsibilities, leaves you less time for your patients?
Our electronic signature capture solution helps you capture, store and retrieve patients’ signatures on an high-tech signature pad, integrates with the Abacus pharmacy management system and supports PHI acknowledgement and patient pickup, including cash and third-party, offer to counsel, and safety cap information.
The Electronic Signature pad is a paperless system that electronically captures, stores, and retrieves signatures on demand, document pick-up logs, HIPAA privacy acknowledgements and Safety cap waiver virtually eliminating the need to store and manually retrieve thousands of signature logs, other paper documents and. provides signature information instantly for audits or inspections.
Signature Pad
- Enables the electronic collection of signatures for various events
- Saves and tracks signature image for prescription
- Creates a history of prescription pickup activity including date, time and counseling details
- Enhances patient privacy at point of pick up
- Minimizes effort and time involved in accessing information to address customer inquiries and third-party, or HIPAA audits
- Provides the ability to generate signature reports
It will track and document the following:
HIPAA Acknowledgement.
Patient Pick Up – including cash and third-party.
Offer to Counsel.
Safety Cap Waiver.
Other benefits:
Eliminates excessive paper documents and storage
Provides greater confidentiality at the out-window
Streamlines prescription audits
Keep patients Inform while Advertising a New Revenue Stream!
The Abacus Will-Call Kiosk displays prescriptions ready for pickup. It also displays advertisements whether they are pictures, videos, web pages etc. The advanced advertising system can be easily managed on-site or remotely. Each display screen can have its own unique ads running while always displaying the same “Rx Ready” list. This allows customers to run different ads by department. Space or “air time” may also be used to promote store specials or be sold or leased to vendors for promoting new products using existing advertising from TV, web, movie formats, or just images. Generating a new revenue stream will quickly allow the system to pay for itself. Multiple screens can be strategically placed throughout your store so that when customers look for their name on the display screen, they are “drawn” to also look at the advertisements.
Patients will know when their prescription is ready by simply looking at the monitor. Patients appreciate not having to stand in line wondering if their prescription is ready, and pharmacist enjoy having fewer unnecessary disruptions. The Abacus Will-Call Kiosk module is HIPAA compliant and will display information in a variety of effective ways which allows only your patients to identify themselves on the monitor.
“Patients now have a reason to look at the advertisements. They are more likely to be read, making our advertising efforts more effective.”
In addition it can send a text or pre-recorded voice message to your patient’s cell, work or home phone when the prescription is scanned into Will-Call. Automatically sends pickup reminder message when Rx become aged.
Following are a few of the main features:
Displays a Rx ready list.
Displays Advertisement on the same screen.
Can be managed on-site or remotely.
Seamless integration with Pharmacy software.
Multiple displays with same or different ads.
Calls patients when Rx is ready.
Decrease “return to stock” due to abandoned Rx.
Generates new revenues, pays for itself.
No longer will you have to buy software, hardware and products from one company to package medications in Bingo cards!.

The DosePack multi-dose solution will produce the labeling you need to place on Bingo cards, Blister packs or any form of container you need with the information you need.
Now unit dose dispensing is affordable for not only for LTC Pharmacies but can also be used by Retail Pharmacies. The advantages of unit dose dispensing are that the drug is fully identifiable and the integrity of the dosage form is protected until the actual moment of administration. If the drug is not used and the container is intact, the drug may be retrieved and redispensed without compromising its integrity.
A robotic solution is also available, and can interface with RDS (Robotic Dispensing Systems) that automatically produces Plastic packaging with the required labeling.
For your retail patients, this will helps you:
Gain a competitive edge to secure your most valuable base of customers – the 10 percent that takes five or more meds a day.
Increase your revenue by picking up scripts your patients fill at other pharmacies.
Add convenience and value to your customers.
Improve adherence and patient outcomes.
For your long-term care and skilled nursing customers, this will allows you to:
Dispense in cycles ranging from 30 days to 24 hours.
Ease short-cycle compliance and reduce med waste.
Manage med changes with agility and speed
Improve adherence and patient outcomes for lower hospital readmissions.
Reduce cost by choosing the type of Bingo card, Blister pack or other containers that best suits you, from any vendor.
What if you can provide the Medical Administration Records electronically to the Facility?
eMAR will help market your Pharmacy by providing the Facility with a product that guides authorized staff through quick and efficient electronic medication and treatment administration and documentation of all clinical events performed. Pharmacy Bedside replaces time-consuming, inefficient and potentially unsafe medication administration with:
- Fail-safe, step-by-step guidance and alerts organized around how nurses and staff work and care for patients
- Electronic guides to assist nurses through administering and documenting medication and treatment for each patient
- Patient-specific packs with bar-code verification for all medication and treatment administration
- Patient diagnosis, allergies and dietary requirements
- Automatic documentation for all medication and treatment administration activities
- An electronic history of each activity and dosage for automatic, anytime reporting and documentation
- Patient records that automatically display patient pictures for additional verification and safety
- Patient records that automatically display medication pictures and additional information for additional verification and safety
Patients now have a reason to look at the advertisements. They are more likely to be read, making our advertising efforts more effective.
In addition it can send a text or pre-recorded voice message to your patient’s cell, work or home phone when the prescription is scanned into Will-Call. Automatically sends pickup reminder message when Rx become aged.
Improve patient safety and virtually eliminate medication administration errors.
Ensure all ordered medication and clinical care activities are accurately and completely executed and documented.
Be survey-ready in less time for less money by automatically eliminating incomplete or inaccurate documentatio
Reduce liability and regulatory compliance exposure.
Spend more time caring for patients and less time with administrative overhead.
Reduce staff overtime and turnover.
Eliminate end-of-month physician order, MAR, and TAR audits (recaps and renewals).
IVR is an interactive voice response solution that integrates with the Abacus Pharmacy management system and automates telephone call handling by routing refills into your pharmacy software. It provides customers and physicians with 24-hour access to pharmacy services. IVR manages the pharmacy’s incoming calls, enhancing the pharmacy workflow and enabling pharmacists and staff to spend more time serving their patients. By reducing interruptions, IVR allows pharmacy staff to increase the level of service they provide their patients while also being more productive. Everyone who comes into contact with your pharmacy benefits from IVR. Using IVR, patients can order prescription refills, get basic pharmacy information or speak to the pharmacy staff for personal assistance. Physicians can order prescriptions, authorize refills or speak directly with the pharmacists. IVR even recognizes your regular and holiday hours so patients aren’t trying to come in for their prescriptions when you aren’t there.
The use of IVR services is quite prevalent in the healthcare industry. Because of the urgency of many situations that arise in this industry, it is necessary to facilitate response both quickly and efficiently allowing patients to refill their prescriptions 24/7 over the phone or on the internet. Save time and increase efficiency with an IVR solution. IVR increases pharmacy workflow and productivity by helping you manage phoned-in refills, simplifying time-consuming physician communications and providing your pharmacy patients with 24/7 access. Routes prescription refill requests to the pharmacy software queue for processing and reduces the amount of phone interruptions.
IVR is a refill solution that manages your pharmacy’s incoming phone calls. The IVR is designed to meet individual pharmacy needs based upon the features desired and your existing telephone equipment.
Modules Available
ExpressCall-RxTM delivers a positive impact on patient compliance while at the same time drives business into the pharmacy. This cutting-edge solution provides automated outbound calls to patients for any one of many reasons i.e. refill reminder/compliance calls, will-call reminders, clinic announcements, thank you for your business message and more. Available call reports provide proof of success!
DirectLink-RxTM automates the refill ordering process from any long-term care facility. This solution allows a nurse or other facility staff member to, 24 x 7, place multiple prescriptions refills/reorders and within minutes receive a faxback confirming each prescription number has been submitted to the pharmacy’s work queue. This low cost integrated solution provides convenience and accountability for both the LTC facility and pharmacy staff members. (Standard interface required)
Tele-Fill / IVR® provides convenience to pharmacy customers and relief for the staff. Using the key pad on their telephone, callers can place prescription refill orders – anytime day or night. Tele-Fill verifies the prescription number and refill availability. The caller hears a friendly confirmation that their order has been submitted.
Attendant-RxTM is for those pharmacies that want to provide customers and doctors with the convenience of an automated attendant answering system, giving callers a full menu of options such as; listen to store location and hours or promotions, place a refill (Tele-Fill module required), transfer to different departments, give specific doctor options and much more. Free up your pharmacy staff to help more customers today!
Quick-Link® streamlines the pharmacy work process by giving all staff members, whether technician or cashier, a fast and easy way to handle refill requests. Using Quick-Link’s touch screen, refill orders from walk-in, drive-thru or customers calling on the phone, can be securely submitted directly to the pharmacy system work queue. As one of our pharmacists said: “It’s a step saver, now we don’t run around looking for an available terminal. It works great at both my front cash and drive-up.”
Refill AssistantTM increases customer satisfaction by offering an alternative to waiting in line to place a refill order. With this self-service touch-screen, customers enter their prescription number and then see a verification message that their order has been submitted to the pharmacy. Refill Assistant can be placed anywhere in the pharmacy or any remote location that is connected to the pharmacy’s network.
Rx-PickupTM functionality has now been incorporated into the ExpressCall-Rx feature module. (See above.)
WebFill-RxTM maximizes your pharmacy’s online presence with integrated refill webpage. Online requests are submitted to the pharmacy system work queue and the patient receives a confirmation email within minutes. If Doctor authorization is needed, an authorization fax can automatically be sent – day or night.
IVR Features
24-hour access to the pharmacy for refill requests and status checks.
Automatic processing of patient refill requests, queued directly to the Pharmacy System, through telephone and Internet.
Automated faxing of doctor authorization requests.
Automatic notification to the customer when the prescription is available for pick up.
Dynamic Refill/Workload Scheduler
Prescription Pickup, Delivery or Mail Option
Voice Mailboxes for Customers and Doctors (refill approval and new scripts)
Doctor Fax Forwarding
Doctor Call Priority
Caller ID
Unique Greetings Based On Telephone Number Dialed
Flexible Greetings and Prompts To Fit Pharmacy Requirements
Telephone System Interface
Auto Attendant
System Prompt Override
In-Store Paging Compatibility
Music on Hold Connectivity
Refill Statistics and Call Traffic Reports
Remote Access
Multiple Languages
Call Queuing

Employee ID Cards can be used to sign-on to windows and the Abacus pharmacy software, this will add level of security to ensure that prescription and non-prescription ‘chemical listed scheduled products’ are made available to your customers in a manner that is safe, legal, and effective and secured.
The Abacus Visual Pharmacy Software can use biometric devices to verify the identity of users and/or patients.
We want to help you ensure that prescription and non-prescription ‘chemical listed scheduled products’ are made available to your customers in a manner that is safe, legal, and effective. Writing or filling prescriptions has become more difficult than ever. Physicians and pharmacists must increasingly be on alert to stop multiple-prescription transactions and to monitor individuals who shop continuously for prescribed medicines.
Fingerprint identification is one of the most well-known and publicized biometrics. Because of their uniqueness and consistency over time, fingerprints have been used for identification for over a century, more recently becoming automated
Face Recognition
Humans often use faces to recognize individuals and advancements in computing capability over the past few decades now enable similar recognitions automatically. Early face recognition algorithms used simple geometric models, but the recognition process has now matured into a science of sophisticated mathematical representations and matching processes. Major advancements and initiatives in the past ten to fifteen years have propelled face recognition technology into the spotlight.
Hand Geometry
Hand geometry recognition is the longest implemented biometric type, debuting in the market in the late 1980s. The systems are widely implemented for their ease of use, public acceptance, and integration capabilities.
Iris recognition
Iris recognition is the process of recognizing a person by analyzing the random pattern of the iris. The iris is a muscle within the eye that regulates the size of the pupil, controlling the amount of light that enters the eye. It is the colored portion of the eye with coloring based on the amount of melatonin pigment within the muscle.
AbacusRx offers the DME option to the Visual Pharmacy Plus software as a fully integrated Medicare DME claims to process feature. The DME Billing module is integrated at the point-of-sale using the Visual Pharmacy Plus™ enhancements as an additional online third party. The Visual Pharmacy Plus™ software provides pharmacies with a convenient and centralized method for billing Medicare claims at the point-of-fill, eliminating the need for additional costly software. This all-in-one integration ensures accuracy while significantly improving processing efficiency and opera
Our real-time edits enforce compliance to CMS (formerly HCFA) policy significantly reducing costly rejects. The Medicare claims are thoroughly and effectively processed, with adjudication taking place within a secure and efficient environment. Assignments are accepted by pharmacy or patient and payment is remitted to the pharmacy, corporate office, or patient.
Process your Medicare DME claims real-time by transmitting the DME claim just like any other online third party.
The Pharmacy Plus software provides pharmacies with a convenient and thorough method for billing Medicare claims point-of-fill through the Pharmacy Plus software eliminating the need for additional costly software.
The Medicare claims are thoroughly and effectively processed.
Assignment accepted by pharmacy or patient and payment remitted to the pharmacy, corporate office, or patient.
Coordination of benefits handled whether Medicare is the primary or secondary insurer. Other insurance amounts automatically reported to participating secondary insurer.
Each claim is processed at the point-of-fill and the complete claim is captured
Insurance Claims:
We carry forms that meet current CMS requirements and is available in continuous or sheet format, one or two parts. Our non-continuous forms can be imprinted with your practice’s information and are available with or without barcode.
CMS-1500 Insurance Claim Forms
Insurance Claim Envelopes
UB-92 CMS-1450 Claim Forms
CMN Forms for Durable Medical Equipment
Edits include, but are not limited to:
Doctor NPI, DEA, UPIN number and demographic verification.
atient ID and demographic verification.
Product coverage and automatic modifier determination.
Product coverage and automatic modifier determination.
MAC price, minimum/maximum quantity verification.
Diagnosis code to product verification.
Coordination of Benefits, and patient/pharmacy assignment.
Refill too soon and patient annual deductible verification.
Automatic quantity conversions from pharmacy to CMS standards..
Non-covered items may be submitted when required by state medicaid..
Date Spanning compliance enforced on diabetic and enteral supplies.
Backend Research & Resubmit service available to all providers..
After your claim has passed the extensive edit checks, a response is instantly returned to your system.
Boost your CMS rating with our program, features, and interfaces.
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) aims to provide better care, healthier people and communities, and lower cost care. In alignment with this goal, CMS developed a one to five-star rating system used to evaluate the performance of Medicare Advantage plans. A plan’s star rating is significant because it directly affects their compensation and marketing advantages.
Medicare Advantage plans are rated on performance areas, including outcome measures (improvement in health), intermediate outcome measures, patient experience, access measures (barriers to care), and process measures (how care is provided).
Part D plans are rated on performance measures for four domains: Drug Plan Customer Service, Member Complaints, Problems Getting Services, and Choosing to Leave the Plan, Member Experience with Drug Plan, and Drug Pricing and Patient Safety. The Drug Pricing and Patient Safety domain include Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA)-supported medication adherence measures.
CMS also uses Display Measures to further evaluate Part D plans. Although not included in the plans’ star ratings, these evaluations are reported to CMS and are displayed on the “Patient Safety” website. PQA-supported measures of medication safety, including drug-drug interactions, excessive doses of oral diabetes medications, and the completion rate of Comprehensive Medication Reviews, are measured and reported. This is where pharmacies come in!
Abacus provides monitoring and reporting to assist you in maintaining the highest rating level with the CMS Five-Star.
Data is collected detailing pharmacies’ performance in areas such as vaccinations, health coaching, medication therapy management, health promotion, care coordination, and adherence counseling. Medicare Advantage plans are particularly focused on medication adherence for Part D patients receiving maintenance medications for diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol.
Pharmacies’ performance evaluations could potentially determine whether a Medicare Advantage plan includes a pharmacy in a preferred network. Plans may seek pharmacies who support their goals and who are willing to work to boost their performance numbers, such as those related to medication adherence.
For pharmacies, this may be a prime opportunity to collaborate with Medicare Advantage plans to improve star ratings and ensure patients are receiving appropriate care. The landscape of healthcare is evolving; in the future, pharmacies will play a growing role in providing comprehensive healthcare to their patients. We recommend you learn more about the CMS star-rating system and how your pharmacy is being evaluated.
Read more about the CMS Five-Start rating at:
National and Regional Services
We can interface with many shipping systems offering the ability to rate, route, print labels, track, email notifications, signature confirmation, delivery confirmation, generate reports and provide various standard and customizable functions for a variety of national and regional carriers including:
US Postal Service Options
Internet Postage
Automates the processing of USPS parcels by printing address labels complete with live postage and delivery confirmation (if applicable) from an online account.
Postal Manifesting
Streamlines the processing of USPS mail or parcels by allowing mailers to combine mail pieces of identical or different weights and rates into a single mailing and perform sophisticated pre-sort routines.
Confirmation Services
Enable shippers to track the delivery of USPS parcels processed.
Postage Meter Interface
Provides a real-time link between your System and a Data-Pac compatible Hasler or Pitney Bowes electronic postage meter for fast, accurate and integrated USPS processing and postal accounting functions.
Enables automated domestic & international shipping of FedEx Express, Ground, Home Delivery, and FedEx Freight shipments.
FedEx SmartPost
Enables automated FedEx Smart Post shipping.
Enables automated domestic & international UPS shipping.
UPS Mail Innovations
Enables automated UPS Mail Innovations (UMI) shipping.
UPS SurePost
Enables automated UPS SurePost shipping from.
Golden State Overnight
Enables automated Golden State Overnight shipping.
Landmark Global
Enables automated Landmark Global shipping
Enables automated LaserShip shipping.
UPS Mail Innovations
Enables automated UPS Mail Innovations (UMI) shipping.
Lone Star Overnight
Enables automated Lone Star Overnight shipping.
LTL Shipment Processing
LTL Rating
Turns into a completely integrated shipping solution that automates both small parcel and LTL shipment processing.
Bill of Lading Printing
Further automates LTL shipment processing by generating VICS standardized Bills of Lading.
Enables automated OnTrac shipping
Spee-Dee Delivery
Enables automated parcel shipping of this regional carrier called Spee-Dee Delivery.
DHL International
Enables automated DHL International shipping.
DHL GlobalMail
Enables automated DHL GlobalMail shipping.
Eastern Connection
Enables automated domestic & international shipping of domestic Eastern Connection shipping.

The software is design for a dispensing physician office (weight management clinics, medical office, etc.), that dispenses controlled and non-controlled substance, want to manage Inventory, accounting and comply with State and Federal laws.
Full DEA, State, and other Federal Compliance
The software will ask for and keep data require by agencies when dispensing prescriptions. As regulations change your software will be updated with any new requirements keeping your practice in compliance at all times. Complies with American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP), National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP), Drug Enforment Agency (DEA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA).
Save your patients time and money
Patients who are ill, in pain or very busy will appreciate the convenience that comes from receiving their medications from their physician, sparing them a separate trip and long wait at the pharmacy.
Increase income
Medication dispensing is a great way to generate additional income for your practice.
Improve treatment compliance
Studies suggest as many as 20% of all prescriptions go unfilled each year. In-office medication dispensing ensures your patients have their medications in hand before they leave your office.
What equipment is needed to dispense medications?
A computer/laptop and printer are needed in order to use the system and print labels. A barcode scanner for scanning medication bottles is also highly recommended for safety. In states where driver’s licenses have magnetic strips, a mag strip reader can be used to swipe the driver’s license for the patient information. In some states like Florida, there is a minimum set of equipment that must be at each dispensing station, such as electronic scales and other pharmacy tools.
Is physician dispensing legal in my state?
Each state has its own laws in place regarding physician dispensing. Restrictions on physician dispensing are there to protect the business interest of pharmacy store locations in your area.
Software Features
The Abacus Pharmacy System is an integrated prescription processing environment that provides today’s prescribing physicians with all of the software tools necessary to handle the complexities of modern prescription processing. The system offers full State and Federal law compliance and a high degree of functionality combined with an easy-to-use interface.
- Highly Centralized Prescription Processing
- Multiple Inventory management
- Detail patient Prescription profiling
- Document Hardcopy scanning
- Service/Office visit billing
- HIPAA Compliance
- Patient Counseling Compliance
- DEA Compliance
- Patient Education Leaflets
- Physician Script Writer
- Rx labels
- Drug screening
- Third-party Billing
- Accounts Receivables
- Workflow management
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) reporting
- Complete set of Analysis Tools and Reports
Book more appointments with our software for only $295
Patient Appointment Manager is the fastest, most user-friendly software for scheduling and managing appointments. It will show you who’s available and when, and let you book appointments in seconds. No more putting patients on-hold or having them stand around while you search for an appointment. Everything you’ll need to promptly schedule patient appointments is right at your fingertips in this easy-to-use, computer-based appointment book.
Spend less time scheduling appointments with Patient Appointment Manager! Quickly add or locate existing Patients, find available appointment times (by employee, time period, or both), and schedule a one-time or repeating appointment, all with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Easy to Use
Patient Appointment Manager’s point-and-click navigation and intuitive design make it easy to learn and use, even for first-time computer users. Its user-friendly and visual layout means easy access to all the information and features you’ll need to efficiently manage your appointments.
We have partnered with various companies to provide our customers with the opportunity to increase revenue by offering viable programs that have a proven track record for successful implementation and income production.
As the leader in electronic connectivity, RelayHealth connects the entire healthcare continuum including retail, out-patient and LTC pharmacies, providers, government entities, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and payors – to improve operations, offer claims processing, provide value-added transactions, and deliver actionable information for bottom-line improvements. Abacus is pleased to partner with RelayHealth to provide many value-added programs that can increase your operating efficiency and bolster the bottom line.
eRx Network
As the leader in electronic connectivity, eRx Network connects the entire healthcare continuum including retail, out-patient and LTC pharmacies, providers, government entities, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and payors – to improve operations, offer claims processing, provide value-added transactions, and deliver actionable information for bottom-line improvements. Abacus is pleased to partner with eRx Network to provide many value-added programs that can increase your operating efficiency and bolster the bottom line.
Abacus customers can earn valuable rebate $’s for allowing prescription data to be collected for IMS Health. IMS is an industry leader in data analytics and contracts with drug manufacturers to provide valuable dispensing data that, among other things, is a key tool that manufacturers use to determine sales performance and compensation.
LDM Group
LDM is a data program that generates in-pharmacy, direct-to-patient messaging for your independent pharmacy. This service can be used to improve patient education, build customer loyalty, and give pharmacies the opportunity to earn incremental revenue from pharmaceutical manufacturers. The direct-to-patient messaging is simply an automated printout that is individualized and customized for the patient’s benefit. A message is printed in real time and distributed by the pharmacy staff with the patient’s prescription at the point of sale. Sponsored by manufacturers, this printed message includes information about the customer’s prescription and relative facts about the medication or condition being treated. Tel: 314-567-0551
VFI Statement Processing
Abacus is pleased to offer VFI Statement Processing as an option for our stores that have an interest in outsourcing the sometimes cumbersome task of printing A/R Statements, stuffing envelopes, buying stamps, etc. VFI Statement Processing is a simple process that sends your A/R processing directly to VFI via electronic submission – and your work is done!
How does it work? Simply send your statement processing to a file, instead of the printer, by selecting a new menu option on the Statement print menu. The file is FTP’d to VFI and they process and mail your statements to your customers. There are a lot of incidental expenses involved with statement mailing and some of you may find that it’s actually cheaper to use VFI to mail your statements. Your cost from VFI is approximately .56 per statement.
If you are interested in this program, call 800-474-4004.
Rx-Net, Inc.
Rx-Net, Inc. is a service looking at prescription pricing from a marketing prospective. They use information gathered from zip codes in your area to determine the prices for the most prescribed drugs. This information is then compared to your pharmacy’s dispensing profile to establish a competitive and profitable pricing strategy. For further information, please visit or call 630-351-9282.
SDI Direct Access is a division of SDI, a leading pharmaceutical information services company that for the past 20 years, has worked with pharmaceutical manufacturers in providing in-depth analyses of patient behavior patterns. SDA combines SDI’s sophisticated analytical capabilities, a national network of pharmacies, and the technology of Abacus for the delivery of direct-to-patient adherence programs Abacus has implemented SDI’s HIPAA compliant interface that enables your pharmacy to participate in SDI. The programs are funded by pharmaceutical manufacturers and are designed to benefit your patients and your pharmacy by complementing current adherence initiatives while generating new professional services revenue. Designed to target specific patients based on behavior traits, SDA programs deliver a message directly or indirectly to the patient from your pharmacist.
SDA has been working with chains and is providing independent pharmacies with the same opportunities to participate in funded patient adherence and educational programs. Signing up in SDA does not obligate your pharmacy to any programs. It simply allows you to participate in programs as they become available. The more Abacus pharmacies that enroll to participate in programs the more likely drug manufacturers will make the programs available to independent pharmacy. Examples of programs include, but are not limited to, an informational sheet stapled to the prescription bag, an educational letter making patients on a specific drug aware of a name change or a floor sign in the pharmacy creating flu awareness and the importance of getting a flu vaccination. We believe you’ll find each of these programs to be beneficial to your patients, your level of service and your bottom line!
Pharmacy First
Pharmacy First is a national network of independent and small chain pharmacies who’s mission is to provide enhanced profitability and strength to independent pharmacies by providing the collective information from the network of independent pharmacies provides valuable leverage for lower manufacturer acquisition costs – resulting in greater profits for you. For further information, contact Pharmacy First at: Toll Free: 888-800-DRUG (3784)
Tel: 845-623-6333 • Fax: 845-623-5956 E-mail:
DME online
Abacus offers online DME billing directly through the internet claims function. Utilizing online DME billing helps you to submit your claim quickly, accurately and is treated much like any other online claim submission.
Abacus offers DME online billing through the following providers:

Offsite Backup keeps your data safe no matter what happens.
What would happen if your pharmacy data was lost due to a hard-drive crash, accidental deletion, theft, virus, ransomware or an unforeseen catastrophe? What if you began to restore your data and found that your full data set was not there? A solid disaster recovery plan can establish a sense of security and keep your pharmacy afloat in the event of an emergency. The answer is an automated backup solution, providing encrypted offsite data storage and recovery.
Safeguards Against Unreliable Media
Disaster Recovery Protection
Fully Automated Solution, reducing human error
Helps Meet HIPAA Requirements
Rapid Recovery & Data Restore
Seamless Integration & Professional Support
How It Works
The software from a qualified partner you contract with will run on your network behind the scenes. At a predetermined time during off-hours, it compresses and sends your data to an offsite datacenter via secure SSH connection. Your data is then securely backed up each night, without disturbing your operation.
Secure Infrastructure
All data is transported via secure SSH tunnel to an offsite datacenter. The data is encrypted before sending via the internet. The datacenter features highly restricted access controls, dry fire protection, backup power and redundant data service.
The following table highlights the array of solutions that that deliver the sophisticated tools and connectivity your pharmacy needs to increase revenue, improve pharmacist workflow and enhance customer relationships.
Solution Offering
Benefit to your pharmacy
Pre/Post Editing Services
Deliver valuable claims edits specifically for community pharmacies. Edits include:
- AWP Comparison
- DAW Appropriateness for Multisource Brands
- Usual & Customary Third-Party Paid
- Quantity/package size
- NDC/NPI Validation
- Controlled Substance Prescribing Authority
Increase third-party reimbursements and reduce audits
Rx PriorAuthPlus
Automates the prior authorization resubmission process from the pharmacists to the prescriber
Eliminate manual, time-intensive workflow and reduce prior authorization response time.
At no cost to your pharmacy, applies paperless electronic coupons toward a patient’s out-of-pocket costs on qualified prescriptions
Reduce prescription cost barriers while improving patient access to prescribed medication
AWP Resubmission
Identifies claims paid using outdated average wholesale pricing (AWP) and enables claim resubmission for increased reimbursement
Help maximize reimbursement opportunities on paid claims
Rx Safety Advisor
Provides real-time alerts to pharmacists that reduce risk for look-alike/sound-alike dispensing errors and screens dispensed dosages for pediatric and geriatric patients
Alleviate harmful, costly and avoidable dispensing errors
Delivers actionable information at the point of dispenses such as drug recalls, formulation changes, and safety alerts
Promote pharmacist role as care provider by delivering relevant information to patients
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) Services
Enables pharmacies to more easily comply with the FDA-mandated REMS program
Expand patient access to critical medications and reduce pharmacist compliance workload
Rx Prescriber Instant Check
Containing over two million active healthcare prescribers nationwide, lets pharmacies easily validate prescriber information (e.g. name, DEA number, sanctions, etc)
Reduce exposure to audits, rejected claims and manual prescriber searches
We can assist you with custom cloud solutions or services. In today’s business world, companies rely on data like never before. We can design customized solutions for data interfaces within a cloud environment, this can provide unlimited access to your data from anywhere.
Maintain Focus On The Business
Most businesses realize that running their own in-house IT department is just not part of their core competencies. Buying cloud services like ours gives our clients a far more cost-effective and more reliable option than they had previously. They can now spend their precious time on building their business.
More Agility
Companies that have significant technological investments often find it difficult to take advantage of shifts within the market or respond to new threats from competition. This occurs when capital, manpower or time pressures prevent them from doing so. When you use cloud services such as ours, your business will be able to adapt your technology needs to your business without incurring that usual cost that you would get from an on-site setup.
Get Access From Anywhere
One of the most beneficial aspects of using our cloud services is that you are able to do business without any borders. Wherever there is an internet connection, you can access your data quickly and efficiently.
These are just a few of the great benefits that come with using our cloud services for your business.
Abacus Software Maintenance gives you automatic access to the latest technology, ensuring that you always have the latest and greatest from Abacus.
Abacus Software Maintenance entitles you to Service Packs, Revisions, Major Upgrades and Data for the entire term of the agreement. It has been designed to give peace of mind knowing that you always have the best possible Pharmacy software running your business.
Because Abacus solely focuses on developing and producing industry leading Pharmacy software, we are constantly coming out with features and enhancements to better serve you, your customers and your bottom line.